How to use InSight Web Secure

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The following e-learning package is designed to give a "brief" overview of using the InSight Web Secure PACS Viewer.


Abbreviations used on these web pages and within the videos:


LMB - Left Mouse Button

RMB - Right Mouse Button


Using the package:


The left hand panel contains links to all web pages and videos. We suggest starting on the "Description of the Search Panel and InSight Icons" and working down the entire list in order.


Comprehensive notes on InSight's use are given in the on-line Help Guide. This is loaded by pressing the F1 key within the InSight PACS Viewer or by clicking on the "Help" button seen on the thumbnails control panel.


There are two components to the InSight PACS Viewer:


1.the Search Panel , giving a user the ability to search for Patients. This is usually displayed when the user logs on, and...

2.the InSight PACS Viewer which allows for the review of images in a variety of modes using a variety of tools. Hover over the various buttons to reveal a popup describing relevant functionality.


This guide contains Screen shots of both the Search Panel and the InSight PACS Viewer .


The videos included  show basic use of the InSight Web Secure PACS Viewer.


Instructions for Video tutorials:


Review each one in order starting with Logging On to InSight


Load the relevant page from the main menu on the left. The Video will auto-run.


Double click with the left mouse button on the video to run at full screen or click on the run at full screen icon on the video control bar. It is highly recommended to run at full screen. At the end of the video or to reduce it back to normal size double click again on the video or press the Esc key.


Each video contains a textual description of various functions. The videos have pauses built in, giving the user an opportunity to read the relevant text. To proceed from one segment to the next click on the "Continue" button or use the play / pause control on the Video Control Ribbon (seen at the base of each video). The "Replay" button goes back to the start of the previous segment.






All videos have a control ribbon at the bottom. If this is not visible, ensure that the Browser window is large enough so as not to obscure it. The ribbon's play / pause button can be used to control the video


As this is a web based e-learning package, some of the videos may take a short while to download from your server


IMPORTANT NOTE For those reviewing the E-Learning package on Apple devices:


Apple computers, specifically laptops and desktops, would be able to play the MP4 using the SWF player. Mobile devices such as iPhone or iPad would not be able to use the SWF player video controls; the video will run without pauses, as they do not support Flash whatsoever, but may be able to use the TechSmith Smart Player app to do so.





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